Muqtar Mohammed Says:
The subject here we are talking about is whether or not a woman can marry 4 or not. We are talking about so called "Justice Mr. Kamal Basha". To possess a legal position in Indian judicial system I believe a person should have a broad knowledge of our constitution as well as applying the constitution to public at large. To deliver justice, one should have expertise in Indian constitution and at least basic knowledge of major religions of India. Islam being the largest minority of India, it is incumbent upon people holding positions for delivering justice should have minimum knowledge in the area in which they are supposed to deliver the justice. In this case, he is giving a lecture, not delivering justice. My concern is if such people pose a question "can a woman marry four men?". is insane. Such person (s)should be eliminated from performing duties as a judge since they lack of basic scientific/social/historical/modern/constitutional/obligatory knowledge and cannot perform the duties of a "judge". He should spend quite some time understanding what Islam is and what it delivers to humanity, how and why it is growing since Prophet Mohammed (Sallalahu Alaihi Wa Sallam) was chosen as prophet. Why is this religion is the single most practice religion on earth. This is a basic intellectual challenge to him to answer why a religion, he is objecting to or casting doubt, is growing with such a fast pace even today if it is not a true religion. If he does answer this question with normal thinking (not as a generous which he is not), I think it solves many problems as a so called "justice" and as a so called "Muslim". It will help him to becoming a better person if not a “Muslim”.
Comment posted on March 09 2016